Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Maria Maria

I have been at Don's for the last couple days. I LOVE him! We have some great times. Last year when I stayed with him we went to a restaurant called Maria Maria. I got this HUGE burrito. Basically the size of my head. We had this very attractive waiter and I made a bet with him. He said that if I could finish this burrito he would buy we dessert. My response, "I will take that challenge." So began the stomachache, but I was determined to finish. After about an hour I had finished this giant burrito. The waiter bought me dessert, but I was way to full to eat it.

Naturally when I came this year going back to this restaurant was high priority. Last night we went back to Maria Maria's. After searching the menu for a good fifteen minutes I found the burrito I had had last year. Here is a picture view of this burritos life:

WOW! For some reason I wasn't in as much pain as I was last year. This last picture is for shows. I kept telling Don that I swear the burrito got smaller, but he claims I'm crazy. Here are some more pictures from last night:


"SCOTT, BACK UP!!" - Don

Last night was pretty great. Thanks Don and Scott for everything!

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