Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just some tips : (Boys addition)

I've been thinking about boys a lot lately, shocker I know. I realize that boys probably don't read my blog or anyone for that matter, but I've come up with some tips. Some tips for boys (in no particular order)
  1. Text girls first, it will make their day.
  2. Don't say you'll hang out with a girl and then bail last minute.
  3. Make the first move.
  4. If you think a girl likes you and you don't like them back, tell them. It'll help in the long run.
  5. When a girl says "never mind" or "forget it" she really wants you to keep asking her about it.
  6. When a girl hasn't texted you for a while she's waiting for you to text her. It's kind of a test, make sure you pass.
  7. If you have a girl that's your friend, don't leave her hanging when you find some other hoe.
  8. If a girl is holding her arm awkwardly on an arm chair, she wants you to hold her hand.
  9. If you notice something different about a girl ask then compliment her on it. She wants you to notice.
These are some tips that I've come up with. Number 10 is probably one of my biggest tips. I've talked to boys recently who  say they don't ask girls on date in fear of being rejected. It's a legitimate reason, but girls want you to go on dates and they aren't going to be the one to ask for the date, so just do it. I can promise you that a girl won't say no just because she doesn't want to. She may say no because she has something else going on, but not because she doesn't want to go with you.

I thought I'd help some boys out by writing this post, although, once again I'm sure no boys read my blog, but they are here anyways. Take it or leave it.


Kris said...

can i copy this list and hand it out at my singles ward? :)

Olivia Petty said...

I adore.

Danny Harding said...

I'm a boy. I read it. Ok.