Thursday, March 24, 2011

Third Term

Third term is the term that everyone hates, the term that grades seem to go down and no one knows why, and the term that seems to last FOREVER! I hate third term! I don't know what it is that makes it so bad, but it's just awful.

I feel like my motivation level has dropped. I don't see the point in finishing my math homework or studying for a test. I don't know where all my motivation went. I compare this year to last year and so much as changed. Tomorrow is the last day of the term and even though my grades aren't too hot, I'm not freaking out about it. Sure, I am crying, but it's not like it was last year.

High School isn't turning out like it's supposed to. I was supposed to be getting a 4.0. That hasn't happened. I look at some of my friends and wonder why they can do it and I can't. It makes me feel dumb, it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong, and it makes me feel like my life is spinning out of control. Sure, it would be nice to just blame it on my home situation, but I don't know if that's all of it. I mean I was going through the same thing last year. What makes this year so much harder? Why can't I handle it this year? Where has my motivation gone?

My lack of motivation and a case of the third term blues has killed my grades. I realize that my grade situation is my fault. I don't blame it on any of my teachers. It was ME who decided not to study for that test, it was ME who thought that taking a little break would be good, and it was ME who killed my grades this term. I would love to blame it on so many other things, but the reality is this situation is my fault.

This is once again one of my venting post. I know that anyone my age will read this and agree with me that third term is the worst of the four terms. Third term ends tomorrow. Hopefully fourth term is better.

1 comment:

K8 said...

Relax Miss. You are way too hard on yourself. I'm sorry our home life continues to suck, but maybe someday . . . ?

I love you and am so proud of you and how hard you work at school, at home. with friends and with family. You are amazing.

Love you. Mom