Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ellie's 10th Birthday

It was ten years ago today that my long awaited little sister came into the world. I was an only child for 6 years. I wanted a little sister so bad. Two years early we lost Lily. It was time for me to have a little sister. When my mom got pregnant I was so excited. I was ready to be a big sister. I remember one night while eating spaghetti I said to my mom, "Take very small bites so the baby doesn't choke."

April 7th 2001 Ellie Micheal Mann was born 4 lbs. 11 oz.

She was so little. She was my personal baby doll. I was a second mother to Ellie from the get go. I was always mommy's little helper. I often thought that I knew how to take of her better than my parents. We are six years apart. Kind of a big gap. Ellie is completely opposite of me, she likes the outdoors, she's a total tom boy, she is PRO at every sport she tries, she's quiet/shy, she doesn't care what others think of her, she hates shopping, she will do anything to play with her friends, and she is the best little sister anyone could ask for.

Ellie has had many nicknames over the years:
- Lulu
- ElBel
- Midget
- Baby

She often asks my mom why she didn't spell her name LE! Why not make it simple? She loves playing with the neighborhood kids. Ellie is one of those kids that goes with the flow. Here are some pictures from over the years:

And now on her 10th birthday:

I don't know what I would do without this girl. She makes my life better. Ellie, I hope you had a GREAT 10th Birthday. LOVE YOU!


Unknown said...

this is so tender!

julie jensen said...

These pictures are so cute!
love this post.
you still have to teach me how to put pictures on :)
P.s it would have been a lot easier to spell LE.