Sunday, March 20, 2011

16!! Part II

The last time I posted I was going to be turning 16. I am now 16. Very exciting! Picture explain more than words so here they are:

Just the D.M.V. at 7 a.m.

Kristin and I have the same birthday! No big or anything.

Just being pampered

We enjoyed talking to Jason aka Son! He was clearly flirting with Kristin!
This was also the child that told Kristin that if she wanted a boyfriend she could have one!
Apparently it's that easy.

The end result. Kristin basically pooped her pants when the lady told her I had already paid.

The beautiful flowers my boyfriend gave me (Kristin)

BEST present of my life. Zac Efron on a horse. THANKS KAYDEE!

Max and I putting Zac on my ceiling! PERFECT place!

Just admiring Zac
Thanks to everyone who made my 16th birthday AMAZING!

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