Wednesday, March 16, 2011

THE BIG 1 6 !!!

Tomorrow would be the day that I have been counting down to for months. Here it is one day away. I am very excited. LICENSE! Watch out roads here I come. I passed my driving test last night and tomorrow morning at 7:15 I can be found at the DMV. I got my hair done today and got a new shirt just for my license picture. I realize that you will barley see my shirt on my license picture, but it was a good excuse for a new shirt.

Although I am very excited about turning 16 I hate the obligation of doing something HUGE for your 16th birthday. I realize that it's a very big deal. Getting your license is personally the best thing about a 16th birthday. The thing about turning 16 is you are expected to throw some big old party. If you are like me you don't do parties. I hate throwing parties. I feel like if people aren't having fun it's my fault. I just don't do parties so when people ask me what I'm doing for my 16th birthday I just tell them that I am getting my license and hanging out.

I decided that I didn't want to go to school. I mean it's my 16th birthday! No need for school. I don't have much planned for tomorrow, but I am getting my license for sure and going to get pedicures with Kristin. It's funny that Kristin and I have the same birthday. People say we are so much alike plus we are really close, so why not have our birthday on the same day? It makes perfect sense to me. It makes me very happy that we have the same birthday. It's one of those things that is surprising to learn, but once you know it it makes perfect sense.

Time has flown by. I am almost 16!!! 16!! Holy cow! Last year when I turned 15 I thought that it was going to take FOREVER till I turned 16. It hasn't, the year has flown by. I feel like my life will begin tomorrow. I am currently dead, but tomorrow I will be alive. The freedom of driving is very exciting. Not having to wait for your parents to take you somewhere or the worry of how you are going to get places.

My mom and I are going to kind of co-parent the van (PATTY) Kaydee and I named the van Patty. It just fits. I'm not going to get Patty this weekend, but my dad said that I can borrow his car. Very exciting. I obviously have plans to party it up this weekend.

In a couple of hours the big 1 6 will be here. I will be the big 1 6!! In case you haven't caught on by now I am very excited. I rounded it to a couple hours, but really I know the exact amount of time. Pathetic? I don't think so. So although I won't be having a grand old party I will be having a GREAT 16th birthday!!

*Pictures to come soon*

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