Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 Recap

The days, weeks, and months may go by slow but the year flew by. Alot has changed/happened this year.

- Moved from the Jr. High to the High School
- Became friends with new people
- Got my permit
- Babysat ALOT
- Went on many adventures
- Made it through a semester of High School
- Decided that moving to San Fransisco is a must
- Came up with many unrealistic dreams
- Finished Gilmore Girls
- Learned a lot of life lessons
- Went to 5 midnight movie premieres
- Met Edward Herman (grandpa off of Gilmore Girls)
- Came to the conclusion that I would much rather redo 9th grade then stay in High School
- Spent way to much time on Facebook
- Created a blog
- High Honor Roll all 4 terms of 9th grade
- Viking of the Month for December 2010

Many more things have happened this last year. 2010 may have gone fast, but it wasn't that great of a year. Hopefully 2011 will be better.

Goals for 2011 include:

- Save money for car insurance/gas
- Don't let school drama rule my life
- Get a 4.0 the rest of my Sophmore year and into my Jr. year
- Don't complain about everything
- Meet new people and make more friends
- Live life to the fullest
- Have a good attitude

2011 is going to be a good year. Maybe my parents will even finalize their divorce. We can only hope!


Unknown said...

you got high honor role?
Oh my heck. Teach me.

Olivia Petty said...

I was about to say pretty much the same thing as Emilee(:
I bet it's not procrastinating...right?

Zoe said...

WRONG!! I am probably one of the best procrastinaters ever! To be honest you have to suck up to the teachers ;) Turning in everything on time also helps!