Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day!

The lovey dovey day of the year that I hate so much. Sure, if you have a special someone Valentine's day could be good, but for those of us who don't it's a little bit depressing. I realize that I am only 15 years old, but I want someone to ask me to be their Valentine. Did I just write that?

In elementary Valentine's day was a great day. You got to decorate a cute little box, get cool cards with barbies on them, and best of all LOTS of candy! My view of Valentine's Day changed in 5th grade.  (For the purpose of this story we'll change the names to Cade and Suzie) Cade had always had a crush on Suzie. When Valentine's Day came around he asked her to be his Valentine. After she declined I was his rebound; naturally. I told him that I would be his Valentine. A couple days passed and while we were in the reading corner Cade whispered to me, "Suzie told me that she wants to be my Valentine now so, sorry you're not my Valentine anymore." I was devastated. When Valentines Day came around he brought her flowers and chocolate and I was left with nothing. I know that I was in 5th grade and I shouldn't even care about it now, but it still kind of bugs me. Guys, don't ask someone to be your Valentine then back out. Not cool!

The other day in English we were talking about Valentine's Day. My teacher looked up at the boys and said, "No matter how much you do on the 15th it doesn't make up for what you didn't do on the 14th." TRUE! It made me very happy when she said this. She went on to tell us about her 3 engagements and how one  guy bought her 14 dozen roses on Valentine's day then proceeded to propose to her in a white limo. It was one of those stories where you wish so badly that would happen to you. It was the kind of story that would be in a typical chick flick.

In Junior High you could send chocolate roses or real roses to your friends. Student council comes around and announces the name of everyone that gets a rose. For those of us whose names weren't called it's embarrassing. It's always the same people that get the roses and the ones who don't. All the stuck up fake girls get real roses from guys who for some reason think they are amazing.

Now that I am in High School there are couples all over the place. Although I know I will get things from my friends it's not the same as getting something from a boy. In High School they do "Vala-Grams." The choir goes around and sings to the people who are receiving "Vala-Grams." I don't know what is it, but I want a Valentine. Pathetic, I know.

I wish that there were more real life love stories like in the movies.....  

I may not have a Valentine, but I have an AMAZING mom who sent me these flowers.

1 comment:

Ann said...

This is a great post, very fun to read. And now I'm going to switch into old grandma mode and lecture you, but you will listen because you love me. In any case: it is a not infrequent discussion among us Old People that if you could go back to being 18 and tell yourself anything, what would you tell yourself? I would have to go back further because 18 was too late. I would have to go back to 14 or 15. And what I would tell myself is this: Forget about boys ENTIRELY until you are out of college. Teen-age boys are needy and a distraction. They will derail you from your goals. They are a waste of time and energy that could be better directed toward much more important (and in the end, interesting) things.

I don't expect you to listen to me, because when I was 16 I would not listen to some old broad friend of my mother's telling me this stuff. But when you are old, you will remember this, and if you don't listen to me, you will think, "Damn. I should have listened to Ann."

And WTH is your English teacher doing talking about romance tips? For cryin' out loud - shouldn't you be conjugating verbs or something?

And get off my lawn.