Monday, February 21, 2011

A Birthday Shout Out

Today would be my friend Kaydee's birthday. She is 16 years old! I don't know what I would do without her. I have come up with 16 reasons you should have Kaydee Broadbent be your friend.

  1. She will make you laugh 
  2. You will have many inside jokes
  3. She makes a GREAT stalking partner
  4. She goes with the flow
  5. You will have nick names for anyone and everyone
  6. You will come up with new words such as "STUUUUP!"
  7. She will yell things at basketball games such as, "TAYLOR, you are THEE SHIZ"
  8. You will do the most random things, but have so much fun doing them
  9. You will cut barbies hair then proceed to pull of their heads
  10. She will send you funny texts that you have to lock on your phone so you can look at them later.
  11. She will plot plans with you
  12. She will make weird noises with you
  13. She will love Zac Efron just as much as you
  14. You will miss her like crazy when she goes to Mexico
  15. You will never be bored
  16. And if you're lucky you will co-parent ponies
I'm not quite sure what I would do without this girl. She always makes me laugh. There is always a smile on my face when I'm with her. She kind of completes my life.

Sorry for the barbie porn


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