Saturday, February 18, 2012

She likes him...He likes her...

And her friend likes him too. The love triangle happens yet again. I feel like I should be used to this by now, but I'm not. It always seem to go like this. I like someone, and just when I think he might like me too, I find out he likes my friend. That's awkward.

Thing is this is the first kid I've liked since him. I haven't had a "crush" on anyone in months, which is kind of a big deal for me. It felt so good to feel those butterflies in my stomach again. I've missed the giddy feeling you get when you have a "crush" on someone. So when this kid came around I got excited at the chance to feel those feelings again. Come to find out my friend likes him, and he likes my friend. I should have been more shocked then I was, but this seems to happen to me a lot.

At first I didn't think it would be a big deal. I told myself to stop liking him, but it's not always that easy. The more I was around him the more I seemed to like him. Things progressed with him and my friend. He began to ask me for advice with her, and it was hard. It was hard for me to "help" him with her when I liked him too, but I did it anyways.

The more I've learned about this boy the more I've realized I kind of, "dodged a bullet." I doubt this will be the last time this happens, but I can't guarantee I'll ever fully get used to it.

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