Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Kiss

Every girl dreams of the day she will get her first kiss. The more you get older the more you dream. You get your hopes up for this perfect fairytale scene:

The harsh reality is no first kiss is like this. As girls we set our expectations very high. My expectations were exceptionally high. I wanted it to be the perfect fairytale, but when it came it was quite the opposite. I blame movies for this false expectation. Movies make it look so glamorous.

Sure it was at sunset, but it wasn't how I thought it would be. I was scared. I didn't know what I was doing, but I went for it anyways. After dreaming about it for so long it was nothing like I had hoped it would be. I'm pretty sure I should be twitter patted or something, but I'm not at all.

First kisses are always going to be awkward and quite frankly, weird. But one good thing that came out of all of this is I don't have to worry about the pressure of my first kiss anymore.


Unknown said...

hhaaahahaha. amen. (:

Unknown said...

Not EVERY first kiss is awkward and weird. I promise.