Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Just Friends"

The begging question, can guys and girls really be "just friends." There are many opinions on this subject. Some say yes while others say no.

I don't think guys and girls can be "just friends." Either the guy or the girl will want something more to happen. While one person may think they are fine being "just friends" the other will secretly wish for something more.

Then, there's always the dreaded "Friend Zone." Being put into the "Friend Zone" is never a fun time. Often times, we let ourselves get thrown into this zone. It's the zone where we go when we tell ourselves, "I'd rather be friends than be nothing." But being "just friends" isn't always good. Most the time those feelings don't just disappear. Your "friend" will think that you are perfectly content on being "just friends," but in reality you're still wishing someday things will work out. 

So...if you think you and your "friend" are good at being "just friends" you're fooling yourself.


Ann said...

It absolutely depends on a lot of things. I have a number of guy friends, some of whom are really, really good friends, but also I'm happily married and getting laid regularly, and I'm old, so romance == for suckers. Who needs romance when you have a great partner and are getting laid regularly? Also, gay men make the very best of friends because they are men in every sense of the word but there's no sexual tension. So awesome.

Kris said...

Just cuz you are mad about S.M.M.... I understand.